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The number of gyms and fitness centres is increasing in the UK, with the number rising to 3,720 in 2022 from 3,060 in 2021, highlighting the opportunity to set up a fitness studio.
08 Mar 20234 min read
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The number of gyms and fitness centres is increasing in the UK, with the number rising to 3,720 in 2022 from 3,060 in 2021, highlighting the opportunity to set up a fitness studio.
20 Feb 20234 min read
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While it’s common for people to join the gym at the start of a new year, it’s less common for gym members to stick to their new routine. In fact, a study found that out of individuals that had set fitness new year resolutions, ‘73 percent gave up before meeting their goal’, emphasising how gym owners need proper solutions in place to help membership retention.
23 Jan 20234 min read
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Although January is a common month for people to join the gym, the enthusiasm soon wears off. In fact, it has been found that ‘more than 90% of [new members] will quit after three months of going to the gym’, emphasising how important it is for gym owners to find long-term solutions to attracting new members. So, how do you attract new members to a gym as a gym owner?
16 Jan 20235 min read
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When you’re first getting into fitness, the gym and exercise as a whole can feel overwhelming, especially with the volume of advice floating around the industry. 
22 Dec 20225 min read